Day 7 – EU – Portugal [Rest Day in Almodovar]


 Rest day in Almodovar (Portugal, Europe)

Today is rest day!

The rythm I have set, at least for the first month, is 6 days of running, 1 day of rest.

I have 1 month worth of hotel bookings in front of me, and plans to meet my family in Seville over Christmas, so I will stick to this planned pace for the first month at least.

Then I will see what is right for me. Today for instance, I did not feel like resting. My body is doing fine, I have no pains, tiredness or aches (yet). I naturally woke up before 7am and was ready to hit the road again.

The day was not wasted however. I took some time to fix BoB. He has a tendency to veer left, and this is causing my wrists and arms to work extra, as I need to re-adjust the direction every few strides. And with BoB’s current weight, it is a bit taxing. So, I looked at the right-left balance of the stroller, corrected tire pressure and hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I also did some sewing as the lower compartement had some torn material that needed fixing. Looking for a needle and thread in Almodovar was quite interesting and an old lady ended up offering me her own “agulha” out of her purse! (that’s a needle in portuguese). Who carries sewing material in their purse…?!

I replenished my food supplies, washed my running kits and checked the equipment that I will need to discard (I am still looking to reduce the weight of my equipment).

I am looking forward to next week, as I will reach the Southern coast of Portugal and head East to cross into Spain. I have some hilly terrains to go through, and I am expecting the uphills in the next few days to be somewhat of a challenge.

Can’t wait to hit the road again tomorrow!

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